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It is better to choose a trackless train or a track train
来源: 小火车厂家 浏览: 发布日期:2020-09-13
    During the Spring Festival holiday, we will see exquisite track trains and trackless trains in scenic spots during the Spring Festival holiday. Tourists are also scrambling to ride the trains. There are two main forms of sightseeing trains in scenic spots, one is track Sightseeing train, the other is the trackless sightseeing train, so what are the similarities between the two?
Trackless train, trackless sightseeing train manufacturer
    (1) On the running road: trackless trains do not need to be laid with tracks, and tracked trains need to be laid with tracks;
    (2) In terms of equipment category: small trackless trains belong to the special motor vehicles in the field (factory), and small tracked trains belong to the small trains in large amusement facilities;
    (3) In the place of use: the trackless train does not need to be used in a fixed place, and the tracked train needs to be used in a fixed place where the track is laid;
    (4) In terms of the appearance of the equipment: the trackless trains are only similar in appearance. The trackless trains and the traditional trains are not only more similar in appearance, but also in some functions.
    Whether it is a small track train or a small trackless train, the purpose is to better serve tourists. Scenic spots can choose the type of sightseeing train according to their actual needs.



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