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Commonly used installation devices for rail trains
来源: 小火车厂家 浏览: 发布日期:2020-09-15
    The small track train is what we call the small track sightseeing train. Compared with the traditional sightseeing car, the small track sightseeing train has a larger passenger capacity, so the safety issue is also the top priority. Then about the small track sightseeing train What are the commonly used installation devices?
There are many safety devices for small railway trains, here is a brief introduction to 4 points:
Train,track train,trackless sightseeing train
    1. Tracked small fires must have motion limiting devices. Lifting arms that rotate around a fixed axis fulcrum, or components that swing around a fixed axis, should have limit position limiting devices, which must be sensitive and reliable.
    2. The track sightseeing train must also have an overspeed limiting device. When it is driven by a DC motor or is equipped with a speed adjustable system, it must be equipped with a speed limiting device to prevent exceeding the maximum set speed. The speed limiting device must be sensitive and reliable.
    3. When there are two (or two groups) or more tracked sightseeing trains running on the same track, they must be equipped with automatic stop braking and buffer devices to prevent collisions. The braking stroke of the braking device should be adjustable to stop sliding vehicles. The collision method is strictly prohibited.
    4. The railway sightseeing train should be equipped with a braking device. The braking device must be stable and reliable. The braking capacity (force or torque) ≥ 1.5 times the rated load shaft torque (or impulse). When the power is cut off, the braking device should be in Braking state (except for special ones).
    Through the above introduction, everyone should be more clear about the commonly used safety devices for sightseeing trains. If you think this article is helpful to you, please bookmark and forward it!



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