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Sightseeing train smoke effect method
来源: 小火车厂家 浏览: 发布日期:2020-09-15
    Under the general environment of China's general development of tourism, the supporting amusement facilities of the tourism industry are becoming more and more diversified. Take the trackless scenic tourist train for example, it is also popular in the scenic spot. Mainly can play the role of internal traffic in the scenic area, and also can cause tourists to take the impulse in appearance. Let’s talk about the smoke effects on the sightseeing train today:
Train,track train,trackless sightseeing train
The first type: smoke oil
    The special smoke oil has different flavors after heating. White smoke can also be emitted from sewing machine oil, but there are too many impurities, and all the impurities are sprayed out. Smoke can generally be smoked after heating by electric stove wire.
    1. The elementary level is to directly add smoke oil to the locomotive front. There is an electric stove wire inside the locomotive. After the electric stove wire is energized and heated, it will heat up the oil smoke and emit white smoke. But because the chimneys of some manufacturers of locomotives are made of plastic, it is easy to burn the chimneys. There is also a chimney made of fiberglass.
    2. The common practice abroad is copper sheet + smoke pot. There are copper pieces in the chimney of the locomotive model, which are connected to the conductive device, and then a metal chimney is added to the chimney of the locomotive. There is a contact point at the bottom of the chimney, which touches the copper pieces in the chimney. When the locomotive is running with electricity, the current passes through the copper sheet to contact the smoke pan, which gradually heats the smoke oil in the smoke pan, causing white smoke to come out. The above is a simulated smoke effect. The following is the physical picture of the metal smoke pot:
The second type: simulation
    There are even more close to the real locomotive smoking. That is, the locomotive is made like a real car, directly as a miniature steam engine, and adding liquid, such as methane, water, etc., to the steam engine. However, this kind of general cost is relatively high, and such locomotives are rare on the market. The following two cars have this imitation steam smoke effect.



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